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Description |
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Alphonse Jacobi (1881-1881). Inscription unreadable. Located by Jonell Hucke Rapp. |
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Anna Hucke Reinhardt (1872-1893) Anna's grave is in the front of the cemetery, adjacent to the central path, on the north side. |
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Anton and Katharina Jacobi |
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Anton Jacobi, Mar 7 1860, Jan 17 1923 |
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Elizabeth Hellmer Jacobi's gravestone Elizabeth Hellmer Jacobi's gravestone (opposite side of husband William's) |
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George Roos and Mary Kortner Roos plot George Roos and Mary Kortner Roos plot, southeast corner, St. James |
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Grave of Alois Marxer and Katherine Reichert Marxer Grave of Alois Marxer and Katherine Reichert Marxer (2nd wife of Urban Jacobi) |
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Gravestone of Albert and Christine Jacobi |
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Gravestone of Albert Hucke and Marie Rosso |
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Gravestone of Elmer Beckerle and Irene (Jacobi) Beckerle |
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Gravestone of Frank Hucke and Helena M Jacobi (Hucke) St. James Cemetery, Millstadt |
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Gravestone of George Jacobi and his wife Emma Lang, and Emma's sister Catherine and her husband. |
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Gravestone of Maria Vogt |
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Gravestone of Maria Vogt Jacobi |
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Gravestone of Maria Vogt: Closeup "Maria, Frau von John Jacobi" and "Gest. 22 Marz 1906" can be clearly seen, identifying this as Maria Vogt Jacobi's stone. |
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Gravestone of Mia and Ellie Hucke |
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Gravestone of Peter Hucke (1884-1978) |
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Gravestone of Roy H Speichinger, St. James Gravestone of Roy H Speichinger, St. James |
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Gravestone of Theresia Wenzel Hucke (1844-1934) |
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Gravestone of William Jacobi Gravestone of William Jacobi, wife Elizabeth on reverse |
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Gravestone of William Speichinger, St. James Gravestone of William Speichinger, St. James |
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Gravestone, Albin Jacobi, 1896-1978 |
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Gravestone, Anton Jacobi |
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Gravestone, Anton Jacobi, close-up
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Gravestone, Cecelia Jacobi and Mathias Speichinger |
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Gravestone, Clarence P. Roos |
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Gravestone, Father Stephen Freund |
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Gravestone, Frances Koestel Roos |
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Gravestone, George and Mathilda Roos |
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Gravestone, George Roos 1844-1925 |
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Gravestone, George V Roos |
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Gravestone, Henry Roos |
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Gravestone, Jacob Jacobi |
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Gravestone, John Jacobi Gravestone, John Jacobi, St. James. |
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Gravestone, John Jacobi Gravestone, John Jacobi, St. James. To the left is the stone of his parents, Anton & Katharina; down the hill in the last row by the driveway is his wife Maria (Mary Kate). |
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Gravestone, John Roos |
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Gravestone, Joseph Roos 1876-1941 |
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Gravestone, Katharina Peisch Jacobi, close-up |
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Gravestone, Klara Marxer |
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Gravestone, Margareth Roos |
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Gravestone, Martin Roos |
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Gravestone, Martin Roos 1789-1860 |
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Gravestone, Mary F. Touchette Roos |
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Gravestone, Mary Roos |
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Gravestone, Mary Roos 1853-1929 |
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Gravestone, Nicholas Marxer 1876-1959 |
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Gravestone, Nicholas Marxer, husband of Catherine Jacobi |
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Gravestone, Ositha Jacobi Kaiser and Edward Kaiser |
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Gravestone, Valentine Roos |
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Gravestone, William Hankammer and Caroline Mehl |
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Gravestone, William Jacobi Gravestone, William Jacobi, St. James, Millstadt. Photo by Nora Yahl, Find-a-Grave. Used with permission.
http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=22305047 |
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Helen M. Jacobi, 1867-1956 |
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Jacobi plot in southeast corner of St. James Cemetery Helen, Jacob, Anton (Jr), Albert & Christina (Roos) Jacobi |
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Joseph G Jacobi, 1890-1972 |
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Joseph Hucke (1875-1943) and Cecelia Hankammer Hucke (1881-1943) |
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Monument, Theresia Wenzel Hucke and son Peter |