1904 - 1994 (90 years)
Name |
Julia Susan Rosso |
Born |
14 Feb 1904 |
St. Louis, City, Missouri, United States |
Died |
21 Dec 1994 |
Gender |
Female |
Person ID |
I127 |
tree1 |
Last Modified |
30 Aug 2011 |
Father |
Dominic Anthony Rosso, II, b. 24 Feb 1883, St. Louis, City, Missouri, United States , d. 25 Sep 1945 (Age 62 years) |
Mother |
Mary Letitia Moore, b. 10 Apr 1882, St. Louis, City, Missouri, United States , d. 26 Sep 1908, Washington University Hospital, St. Louis, City, Missouri, United States (Age 26 years) |
Married |
1908 |
Family ID |
F53 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Family |
Edward Martin Nogalski, Sr., b. 28 Aug 1897, d. 3 Jan 1961 (Age 63 years) [5, 6] |
Children |
| 1. Edward Martin Nogalski, Jr., b. 24 Mar 1927, St. Louis, City, Missouri, United States , d. 7 Sep 1938, 5256 Wren Ave, St. Louis, City, Missouri, United States (Age 11 years) |
+ | 2. James Dominic Nogalski, b. 10 Jul 1935, St. Louis, City, Missouri, United States , d. 25 Mar 1959, City Hospital, St. Louis, City, Missouri, United States (Age 23 years) |
+ | 3. John A. Nogalski (Age ~ 0 years) |
+ | 4. R. Nogalski |
+ | 5. Ruth Ann Nogalski, b. 14 Oct 1939, St. Louis, City, Missouri, United States , d. 22 May 1990, House Springs, Jefferson, Missouri, United States (Age 50 years) |
+ | 6. Joseph Edward Nogalski, b. 19 Mar 1924, d. 20 Nov 1998 (Age 74 years) |
Last Modified |
7 Jan 2012 |
Family ID |
F54 |
Group Sheet | Family Chart |
Photos |
| Julia Rosso Unlabeled, but identified as Julia Rosso (later Nogalski) by brother Bud in 2013. |
Sources |
- [S46] Registry of Births, City of St. Louis.
Julia S Rosso
14 Feb 1904
County - ST Louis
White, F (fem.)
mother: Marry
father: Dommie
- [S2] Personal Knowledge - Bob Hucke, Robert A. Hucke.
Bob Hucke provides: married name Nogalski; died about 1994.
- [S38] Social Security Death Index.
Julia S. Nogalski
SSN 499-28-7125
Last Res.: 63137 St. Louis
b. 14 Feb 1904
d. 21 Dec 1994
ssn issued: Missouri (before 1951)
birthdate matches that on Missouri birth registry of Julia Rosso (dau. of Dommie and Mary)
- [S26] Calvary Cemetery Records.
368786 CALVARY ROSSO PAULINE F 01/14/74 58 8 469 1916 1974
368785 CALVARY ROSSO MARY L F 09/28/08 26 8 469 1882 1908
458491 CALVARY NOGALSKI JULIA SUSAN F 12/24/94 90 8 469 1904 1994
336029 CALVARY NOGALSKI EDWARD M M 01/06/61 63 8 469 1898 1961
336028 CALVARY NOGALSKI EDWARD M M 09/10/38 11 8 469 1927 1938
336030 CALVARY NOGALSKI JAMES D M 03/28/59 23 8 469 1936 1959
Death dates of Julia and Pauline match those provided by Bob Hucke, linking this burial record to our relatives.
Burial record provides previously unknown middle name Susan for Julia.
Burial record provides probable husband and two probable sons for Julia (relations assigned based on their ages and death years).
- [S26] Calvary Cemetery Records.
336028 CALVARY NOGALSKI EDWARD M M Sep 10 1938 11 008 0469
Same plot as Julia S Rosso & Pauline Rosso.
- [S43] Missouri Death Certificates.
Edward M. Nogalski Jr, 5256 Wren Ave.
Male, White, Single,
dob Mar 24 1927, age 11/5/13
birth St Louis Mo
father Edward M. Mogalski, Sr, born St. Louis Mo
mother Julia Rosso born St. Louis Mo
informant Edw M Nogalski Sr, 5256 Wren Ave
burial Calvary Sep 10 1938
dod Sept 7 1938 5.40pm
Endocarditis chronic
Pulmonary conjestion, non-tubercular
acute rheumatic fever, chronic tonsillitis
Dr Matt J Crowe
embalmed by R M Sanford