m. 12 Apr 1904
Notes |
- Louis and Katie probably did not have children; none were living with them during the 1910, 1920, 1930 censuses, and on the 1910 census it was stated that she had had none.
Sources |
- [S17] United States Census - 1910, Illinois, St. Clair, Smithton, District 0160, 24.
Hucke, Louis, Head, M, W, 35, Mar., 6 yrs, IL, IL, IL, Farmer
-, Katie, Wife, F, W, 30, Mar, 6 yrs, 0 children, IL, Ger., IL.
This census give Louis's father's birthplace as Illinois, which is incorrect.
- [S18] United States Census - 1920, Illinois, St Clair, Smithton, District 210, 14.
Hucke, Louis, Head, own home free, M, W, 44, Mar, read yes, write yes, b. Illinois, father Prussia +German, mother Illinois
Wife is Katie as before; father's birthplace given as Prussia, unlike 1910 census.
- [S19] United States Census - 1930, Illinois, St Clair, Smithton, District 104, 11.
Hucke Louis J, Head, Own, 3500, non-farm, M, W, 55, M, married at 29, school no, read yes, IL, Ger., IL, occu. Labor, Odd Jobs
-, Katie E, Wife-H, F, W, 50, M, 24, No, yes, IL, Ger., IL
- [S63] Illinois Statewide Marriage Index.
.. HUCKE, LOUIS QUIRIN, KATE 1904-04-12 / 00000444 ST. CLAIR